Sunday, July 20, 2014

Running. My conversation with God - The Lone One who best understands and accepts my thoughts and actions - The Only One who knows who I am. 

Running bequeaths me opportunities to have memorable conversations with our Lord – which are customarily unprecedented talks of gratitude and confession of my wickedness. As a result, running refreshes and endows me with vigor and tranquillity. 

Since I’ve started running and figuring my goals – from running 5Ks to 42Ks -      I have almost always leaned on God the Father to provide me just the right amount of stamina and mindset to finish my runs. Though only in Hongkong did I earned the prestigious DNF (did not finish) reputation because I succumbed to the temptation of bananas and chocolates hollered at us. Jeje. Mostly, am just determined to finished my races – with the speed of a tortoise but with definitive action and affirmation. And that, without not having to train my ass profusely.

Running has made me grounded to date. What I learned from running made me what I am today – secure, certain, unafraid.  And I continue to do so, even so will I not be joining planned races anymore. Except should I need to for a best bud, or the route intrigues me.

For now, I’d rather do it on my own (as I have to improve on my health), and MY SOLE NEED to keep fit. Continuing the habit of offering to God the glory of finishing long distances, no matter how painful and indescribable. Continuing a lifelong rapport with My God. 

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